I Choose Love

The late Saul Alinsky once  wrote:  "In the beginning the organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems."  Alinsky's objective, and the continuing objective of his disciples, was to destroy what works by manufacturing problems.  And his tactics are at work today in the hands of those who want to destroy our nation, her freedoms, and the reverence for the Lord that has caused her to prosper.  

Gentlemen, in order to achieve their purposes, we, as the guardians of truth, must be rendered ineffective in order for lawlessness to increase.  And Matthew 24:12 teaches us that when lawlessness increases "the love of many will grow cold."

What is my response to Mr. Alinsky?  "Nuts to you, sir."  (Alright, so I've never actually said that, but it does seem like fun.)  The Lord's men will live in love, by which all men will know that we are His disciples (John 13:35).  Jesus, the very Word of God, showed us what love looks like.  It's real, it's raw, and it's beautiful to the world-weary soul.  Evil has no answer for it.  Fear is driven out by it.  And I am saved by it.  I choose love.

Alinsky, Saul David. Rules for Radicals. 1972. 119. Print.

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