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I'm Dreaming of a Wipe Christmas

My three year-old thinks that the word "white" is pronounced "wipe."  He'll tell you that he has a wipe dog, that he likes wipe ice cream; that in '68 The Beatles released the Wipe Album; etc.  I know that, being three, he'll probably figure it out pretty soon, and he won't call it "wipe" anymore, so I'm enjoying it while I have it.  I love it.  I feel sorry for people who don't get to live with my family.  I don't get a thing done, and there are times when I can't even hear myself think, but there's nothing else like it, and I get the be the man to my wife and each of my kids, out of all of the people in the history of the universe. Every moment with each member of our families is one of a kind.  It should awe us, and we should always be aware of its potential.  I'm not saying you need to make it weird.  I am telling you to treasure all these things, pondering them in you heart, just like Luke 2:19 records that Mary did.  The joy, the wonder, and the memories that the Lord gives us through our kids are our treasures.  In the same way, I want to give my wife and kids something to treasure and to ponder in their hearts.  I don't want to give them memories that they wish they could forget or a home that they want to escape.  I don't want their heritage from me to be inconsistencies and confusion that they will have to spend the rest of their lives sorting out and working through.  Gentlemen,  treasure your wife and your kids and the ways they've changed your world.  Ponder in your heart all the things that they say and do that teach you about life and love.