At Home

As a teacher, my colleagues and I often attend training sessions centered around fostering good moral behaviors in our students.  We discuss strategies, but the thought is always in every mind, and sometimes even voiced, that these things must be taught in the students' homes.  But what happens in their homes is beyond our reach, so we resolve to do everything we can to establish stable and strong moral standards in our school. Not only are we fighting against destructive precedents that are being set in many homes, but we are also battling the religion of secular humanism which dominates academia and undermines our ability to make the case for morality, as there is no airtight secular argument for morality.  So many parents entrust their children to the institutions, like schools, to raise their children.  Pray for mercy for these children.

Even the most well-intentioned and well-equipped institutions cannot fill the need that a child has for his father.  It's not enough just to be there, just to be present in the lives of our children.  What precedents are we establishing?  What relationships are we cultivating with each child, with their mother?  What have they come to expect from you?  If the answers to any of these questions are not what they should be, then confess them to the Father who sees His children while we are still a long way off, runs to us, and welcomes us home.  We have all seen men, broken and bitter because they would not repent.  Many spend their days and nights running from themselves, often to alcohol or something harder, "friends" who make them feel better about their failures, or any number of other misplaced loves.  Gentlemen, let no sin be cherished in our hearts, and no pride keep us from becoming the men our families need us to be.

The Man Who Sharpened the Iron Man
