Fence Posts Ministries

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Last Night

Yesterday was a good day.  I appreciate the Cypress Woods Wildcat FCA for inviting me to speak.  However, my workday ended on a rough note.  I dealt with some very upsetting behavior from one student, then had to turn around and deal with the exact same thing with another student.  I went home feeling tense, like everything in my torso was in knots.  It ate at me.  I prayed about it, but it just continued to sicken me.  Had I handled it right?  What else could I have done?  Once I get home, things always get much better, and yesterday was no exception, but the thought pattern persisted and so did the stress, despite my being home and with my family, and continued prayer. Once we got the kids to bed, my wife and I settled in together and for a good while (I'm not even sure how long), we got some time together, just the two of us.  She was, as she perpetually is, the answer to my prayers.  We talked. We laughed.  We figured things out.  We prayed.  We reminded each other of the truth.  If you're married, I pray that you know exactly what I'm talking about.  If you don't, then you take the first step, and be the answer to your wife's prayers today.