
In 1993 NBA superstar, "Dream Team" starter, and infamous trash talker Charles Barkley stated that he was "not a role model."  Controversy ensued over the following weeks, with commentators speculating on whether or not it is acceptable for celebrities to excuse themselves from responsibility for their actions.  Gentlemen, too many of us take the same view of our responsibilities.  I have actually heard men say "Do as I say, not as I do."  Shame on us, if we those words ever cross our lips. Not that long ago we had a reasonable expectation that adults would behave like adults, that there was a reasonable baseline of morality that could be expected.  This is no longer the case.  Many of our children are growing up and/or have grown up without anyone close to them who was willing to take it upon themselves to set the right example.  Many have simply decided that they cannot be expected to be good enough.

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul does what is to the average modern American Christian the unthinkable.  He wrote for all-time:  "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ."  For too long we, as adult Christian men, have adopted the belief that it is arrogant to assume that role, and that is a valid concern.  We should take care not to become prideful.  However, it is our role, and if we don't accept it then someone else will, someone less benevolent than a follower of Christ.  So imitate Christ, and as you do, never abdicate that most precious of responsibilities.

Denial of Fault

The D-Word