Fence Posts Ministries

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Working Men

Today I was working on some projects that have been awaiting my attention for a little too long.  My three year-old was with me every step of the way.  We spent some time working on the lawnmower, because it's that time again.  Today I let him do more than I usually do.  He tightened some screws; he brought me some tools; he put the air filter back on over the carburetor, and he did it all well.  We were together a lot today.  We laughed.  High-fives were exchanged.  I showed him how a few things worked.  Several times today, he said:  "We're working men!"  We had a good time. One task that we accomplished was to spray some WD-40 into the cylinders.  Once he saw me spray some in, he naturally wanted to give it a shot.  I thought, "Why not?"  So, I showed him how to insert the little red WD-40 straw into the opening and how to spray.  He did like I showed him, and then disaster struck...The straw detached and fell into the cylinder.

So, there we were.  And there we still are, even now as I write this.  What will become of the mower, my lawn, and the day's work?  I don't know.  But I can tell you this:  It'll be alright.  And long after all of the mowers, lawns, and days' work have come and gone, my boy and I will be one day closer.