Answering the Questions

In recent days, the abortion debate seems to have made the headlines more than it usually does.  When the subject comes up, I am usually disappointed by the feeble defense offered in favor of life.  Below are the answers to the most common arguments made in favor of abortion.  These answers should be obvious to a reasonably intelligent twelve year-old, but since no televised panel discussion seems to include one, we will provide them here:

Argument 1:  It's hypocritical for conservatives who push for smaller government to want government to take a decision out of the hands of private citizens.

The Answer:  This is a false argument as the decision to arbitrarily take a human life should not be one that is protected under the law.  In what other situation is it permissible for one person to take the life of another?  The usual response is one that makes a moral equivalence between the death penalty and abortion.  Don't let them get away with equating the life of an innocent and defenseless baby with a convicted murderer.

Argument 2:  Pro-lifers want to involve the government in women's sex-lives.

The Answer:  Third-wave feminists who screech demands for the tax-payer to fund their sex-lives are the ones who have involved the government (ironically, whilst simultaneously touting their status as independent women).  Pro-lifers only want to save the lives of the defenseless.

Argument 3:  Pro-lifers want to involve the government in a woman's decisions about her own body.

The Answer:  In addition to the answer to Argument 2, it is important to point out that her decisions about her body were made before and up to conception.  From conception on, the body of another person is involved.  She is more than welcome to make her own decisions concerning her own body, but neither she nor anyone else is welcome to make the decision to take another person's life.  I fully acknowledge the seriousness of some of the dire circumstances that women who consider or even go forward with abortions find themselves in.  That being said, once life has been conceived, any decisions that are to be made have been made, and a soul lives.

Argument 4:  One question that is frequently asked of pro-life political candidates is whether or not abortion should be an option when the mother's life is in jeopardy.

The Answer:  I thank God with everything that I am that I don't know what it's like to be in that situation.  However, this is another false argument, as it assumes a situation wherein only one life may be saved, an exceptionally rare occurrence.  The reasonable expectation would be that the doctor would make every effort to save both lives, and that if either were lost it would not be because someone had to choose.  To choose one is to not even try to save both.  Sometimes mothers or babies do not survive childbirth, and the loss is always tragic, but instances where one or the other must be chosen are extremely uncommon, and when they do occur, most parents would not even hesitate to save their children.

Argument 5:  Should abortion be legal in the instance of rape?

The Answer:  This is another question that is based on a deceptive premise, as only about 1% of abortions that are performed cite rape as the cause of the pregnancy.  However, let's humor them and take the question on anyway.  Rape is a horrendous crime and, in my view is worthy of capital punishment.  Now the pro-abortion activist will agree with that statement, except for one caveat, that the baby should be the one sentenced to death.  The innocent baby should never bear the penalty for the offense.  Is it ideal? Absolutely not, but how does taking the life of the baby set things straight?

In Genesis 9:5-6, God said to Noah:  "Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man.  From the hand of every man's brother I will require the life of man.  'Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God he made man.'"  The Lord's Word is final.  None of the arguments in favor of the killing of babies stands up to His Word; there is no allowance for it.  God takes tragic situations, the worst of circumstances, and breathes life.  We who have trusted Him and are called by His name, carry His Word, the hope for those mothers who find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations.

Then Who Can Be Saved?

Working Men