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The Eyes of the Lord

I want to recount here an instance where the Lord heard our prayers and intervened on behalf of the powerless.  I normally don't talk publicly about times that God answered my prayers because I want my reward to be from Him and not from people.  I may be taking Matthew 6:6 a little too far, but then I take most things a little too far.  I don't think this account will be self-serving though, as I was not the only one praying, and the answer came in such a way that only the Lord would have been able to bring about. Recently a friend of mine, through the good execution of the responsibilities of his job, found himself in a position where he was accused of wrongdoing.  The accuser arranged to have him brought before the board of his company where, in order to defend himself, he would have to read the statement from the incident that included vile language that he was very uncomfortable using.  My friend knew that he was in the right, but he still spent that time under a heavy shadow and sleep was elusive.  Once I learned of the situation I began to pray, and I asked my wife and kids and a few trusted friends to pray.  A few days before the big day, I prayed that he would not be put into the position where he would be expected to let unwholesome talk come out of his mouth.  I remember thinking as I prayed that he would probably have to go through with the ordeal, in spite of our prayers.  But then the Holy Spirit reproved me and prompted me to pray that my friend would not even have to appear before the board, so, repenting of my doubt, I prayed accordingly.

A few days went by before I saw him again, but when I did he was a much happier man.  When I asked him how it went, he said:  "It all went away."  When I pressed for more he told me that he did not even have to appear before the board.  He had showed up, waited a long time, called his superior to find out why he was the only one there, and was told that the case (so to speak) had been dropped.

The prophet Hanani once told King Asa of Judah that "the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him" (2 Chronicles 16:9).  We are also told in Psalm 34:15 that "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry."  Thank you Lord for hearing Your people.