To be a Daddy

Wednesday night after church I was standing talking with some friends when my beautiful daughter approached with a cupcake in her hand.  She looked up at me and said:  "Here you go, Daddy."  My heart swelled.  I smiled and thanked her as I reached out my hand.  Then she handed me the paper and walked off, eating the cupcake.  Gentlemen, that's about all you need to know.

Okay, there's more.  Once when I was a little boy, the pastor had all of us in the congregation stand, circle around the sanctuary, hold hands and pray.  My little brother held one of our Daddy's hands.  During the prayer, my brother's nose needed some scratching, so he used our Daddy's hand to get the job done.  And that’s all you need to know.

Alright, there's more.  My wife recently asked our oldest son what he wanted to be when he grows up.  "I want to be a Daddy," he said.  And gentlemen, THAT’S what you need to know.

The Deception

A Boy and his Dog