What Happens to Us

Today I was talking with a student of mine about why I no longer coach track and field.  I told him that even when I'm asked to, I just don't want to anymore.  I told him what I often say to new fathers (this student is not a father, by the way), that when you have a family, you don't care about the same things you used to.  You don't even really notice that you don't do all of the things that you used to.  You just look up one day and realize things like:  "I haven't seen my buddies in a few months," or "I don't know who won the ball game last night...and I don't even care," and "I just wiped my kids nose on my own shirt, saddled up in a minivan, cranked up 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands', and we rode off like the Magnificent Seven, and didn't look back."  

He thought for a minute and said, "That sounds kind of sad."  I told him, "You'll love it."  I can't imagine being without my bride or any one of our kids.  They just came in and changed everything.  I never knew I could love so much.  I never knew how cool I was (that's right) until I saw through their eyes.  I don't understand it, and I don't have to.  I used to always be afraid that I was missing something.  Not anymore.  I feel sorry for those who are missing what I've been given.  

"Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table."  Psalm 128:3

P.S. Chuck Norris' beard trimmer has a 2-stroke motor, uses a 40:1 fuel mix, and uses only genuine Husqvarna replacement parts.  (That just came to me while I was weed eating.  My wife didn't think I should publish it.  She's not here right now.)


The Questions