Fence Posts Ministries

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A deception is at work in our culture, one that many readily accept because it allows us to be self-important, and to create the appearance of morality without actually doing anything at all.  You've seen it.  It's the hashtag, the awareness campaign.  The Obama's responded to Boko Haram's kidnapping of hundreds of girls with a sad-faced hashtag, you know, to let them know we mean business.  Thanks guys, that ought to do it.  Apparently, Islamic terrorists have a tremendous amount of respect for the hashtag.  We have no-shave November to raise awareness of cancer.  Are any of us not sufficiently aware of cancer?  We see countless other examples each day.  It allows us to make a show of caring about an issue without lifting a finger to help.  As Christians, we are called to do the exact opposite.  

In Matthew 6:1-6, Jesus taught us to do our good works in secret so that our reward may be from the Lord and not from men.  Verse three teaches specifically that when you do good works you should not "let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."  We need to look at our acts of service and ask ourselves, are they acts of pride or acts of humility?  Are they the fruits of self-importance and self-righteousness, or are they the fruit the Spirit?  

As men, our job is not to posture and bluster.  Our job is to go.  Our job is to take care of each other, and to follow Jesus' footsteps, and to serve.  He "emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant" (Philippians 2:7).  We, having entrusted ourselves to Him, knowing the love of God Himself, and being indwelt by His Holy Spirit, are now the body of Christ carrying on the work that He has called us to.