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Pure From The Blood Of All Men

In Acts 20:26 Paul looked back on his life and said:  "I am pure of the blood of all men."  The statement is a weighty one, especially for a man who had persecuted Christians, even to the point of overseeing their executions.  Paul had regrets.  But he wasn't talking about his past.  He understood that, in Jesus, his sin had been atoned for.  What Paul was talking about was what God had spoken in Ezekiel 3:18-19 and 33:8-9, that if we do not warn people of the wrath of God so as to save them from it, then their blood will be on our hands.  Paul goes on to say as much in Acts 20:27.  

In this particular passage, Paul was addressing the elders of the church at Ephesus, whom he was about to leave for the last time.  One of Paul's purposes for verses 26-27, was to tell them that he had done the work that he was sent to do, and from then on, the work would be entrusted to them.  He went on in verses 28-32 to charge them to complete the work that they had been called to.  

In verse 28, Paul charges them to "be on guard for [them]selves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made [them] overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He acquired with His own blood."  Notice that Jesus accomplished the work of salvation, and Paul brought them the message of the gospel, and the elders are to guard, oversee, and shepherd the church.  Against what or whom are they to guard?  In verses 29-30, Paul tells us that "savage wolves will come in among them, not sparing the flock."  He even warns them in verse 30 that some will arise from among them "speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them."  These men were tasked with knowing the truth, and making sure that the truth was upheld and taught, a grave responsibility.  

Gentlemen, we have been called to the same responsibility in our homes.  Like it or not, that is what we signed up for, and, like it or not, we're in it now.  We can accomplish our work the same way that Paul told the Ephesian elders to accomplish theirs.  In verses 31 and 32, he told them to "be on the alert," and he commended them "to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build [them] up and to give [them] the inheritance among all those who are sanctified."  His Word is true for all time, and we will live by it as they did.