Thank You, Lord

As of right now, I am still recovering and regaining strength from a rough sickness I went through about three weeks ago.  For an entire week my wife took care of me and our four kids around the clock.  Since then, she has continued to pick up the slack when I've had to slow down.  And if that's not enough, each of our kids has had a stomach bug too, during that time.  I don't even know what I would do without her, and I certainly don't even want to think about where and what I would be without her.  

She is wise, strong, faithful, and gracious.  She's the best mother our children could ever have.  I never even dared to imagine a wife as good as she is to me.  All of the things that were my life's pursuits before she came and wrecked everything, seem so silly now.  I would gladly walk right past all of those diversions for one day with her.  And I've been given so much more than one day.  

A virtuous wife has been given to me, and her worth is far above that of any material wealth.  My heart safely trusts her, and we gain every day.  She does good for me every day.  She willingly works with her hands.  She gets up early every day and prepares for us.  She makes time to spend with God, strengthening herself, because she is a wife and a mother.  Her lamp does not go out by night.  She takes care of her family, widows, orphans, the poor.  She makes sure that we have what we need.  I am a better man because of her.  When she speaks, it's worth hearing.  She keeps our home running.  She makes it more than a house.  She feels like home.  Our children and I love and honor her.  I have never known a woman like her.  She fears the Lord.  

A Country of Our Own

My Father's World