Fence Posts Ministries

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One of my favorite movies is Howard Hawks’ 1959 classic Rio Bravo, starring John Wayne, Dean Martin, Walter Brennan, and Ricky Nelson. I won’t spoil anything, but the movie tells the story of a four-man sheriff’s department in a remote town who are outgunned, but still holding the town against an outfit of murderers, desperate to break one of their own out of jail before the arrival of the U.S. marshal. The edition of the movie that I own features commentary by director John Carpenter and historian Richard Schickel. In the commentary, Carpenter points out how often the word “good” is spoken by the characters in reference to a man’s usefulness in the given situation. I, myself, had noticed the conspicuous use of the word and, having my interest peaked, I counted just how many times the film uses it in that context, and came up with no less than 35 occurrences. I even left out those that were not in reference to a man or men.

So, what does it mean? It means that a man is able, that he has trained and cultivated the skill necessary for the job. In the context of the movie, it meant being quick and accurate with a gun, being able to keep your head, and having the moral strength to stand. The characters in the movie often ask questions like: “Do you think you’re good enough?” or “How good do you think he is?” In fact, one of the major story lines features Martin’s characters struggle to recapture how “good” he once was. A man who wasn’t good wasn’t any less of a man. He wasn’t looked down upon. But with your back to the wall, you just don’t have time for a man who isn’t “good,” no hard feelings. A man who isn’t good is a liability. Simply put, he’s no good to those who need to count on him.

Are you good? Are you any good at work, at church? Can your family lean on you? Can they ask you their questions? Do they know how you’ll conduct yourself when you’re away? Are you a fence post in their lives, or are you splintered and broken, no good to those who need support? Does evil know what will happen if it slithers around your home?