Hold on Loosely

So often people question God’s goodness when they see or experience loss of some kind. Man blames God, asking how He could allow the things we worked so hard for to decay and fade. Man asks how God could allow the deaths of His people. What we fail to remember is that all along He reminded us not to put our hope in or hold on too tightly to anything that would not last. He reminds us because He cares, not wanting us to suffer unnecessarily.

In Matthew 6:19-33, Jesus makes very clear that He wants to spare us the heartbreak that inevitably overtakes those whose hope is in the material. If instead of spending our lives chasing mammon, we will seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, then we will store up for ourselves treasure in heaven.

In heaven our treasure will be beyond the reach of decay, corruption, and destruction. We will live beyond the reach of death, and never again be parted from each other. That, gentlemen, is what God wants for us, because He is good.

“I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a native green tree. Yet he passed away, and behold, he was no more; indeed I sought him, but he could not be found.”-Psalm 37:35-36

The Necessity for Men

What are we Trying to Accomplish?