Fence Posts Ministries

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Included in 1 Samuel 2, among other things, is a description of the sons of Eli, their conduct, and their character, called “corrupt” in verse 12. Other passages in the Bible record the accounts of ministers who acted corruptly, and none of them end well. The Almighty God is protective of His name, and that for our sake. Our hope for salvation depends upon His character. When the people called by His name, especially those called to minister, treat the name of the Lord flippantly, then we can expect His judgment. The One God will defend His name. He will not be mocked. He will be exalted and acknowledged as the One God, by every soul for all-time.

To my fellow ministers of the gospel, we would do well to remember and never forget that God is the Lord. He is not like us. Every Word of His is flawless. Those who prostitute themselves, and use His name as a means for their own glorification, enrichment, or whatever other lusts to which they have sold themselves, do so to their own destruction.

Eli’s sons paid dearly because they did not know the Lord and they abhorred His name. Remember who it is that we serve. Remember the price He paid for our redemption. Remember that He has promised judgment. Remember that He alone is God.