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That I May Know Him, and the Power of His Resurrection

How many of us love this world too much to really entrust ourselves to the Lord.  I ask without a hint of self-righteousness, as I have to search my own soul, asking the same question.  I have to wonder if the modern American Christian understands the true nature of what he has in the Almighty God.  Much of our observable behavior says that we don't.  

As I write this, a young Nigerian girl is being held by western African jihadist group Boko Haram, who prides itself on terrorizing and killing Christians, and they seem to have a penchant for little girls.  The terrorist group attacked a school earlier this year, kidnapping 110 girls.  Recently, 104 were released.  Those who made it home reported that 5 were killed, and that one, young Leah Sharibu, is still being held.  She was not released because she refuses to renounce Jesus, her first love.  Release is within her power, but she counts all things rubbish in order that she may gain Christ, and be found in Him (Philippians 3:8-9).  The Lord has spoken of her and those like her, and He has said that the world is not worthy of Leah Sharibu (Hebrews 11:38).  

Father, have mercy on Leah Sharibu and her family and strengthen them.  We understand from scripture that these things will continue to take place as the world darkens, and that we are called to endure and to persevere, even unto death.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.  We also understand that these things are being allowed to continue because there are some who will still trust You, but have not yet.  We pray for Your Spirit to bring them to repentance, and for Your people to be faithful to carry the gospel to them.  Thank You for Your promise that nothing can separate us from Your love.  Thank You that You have made us free, and that no power can snatch us from Your hand.