He Pitched his Tent and Built an Altar

Genesis 12:7 records for us that when Abram arrived in Shechem he built an altar.  The next verse goes on to record that he moved from there to "the mountain east of Bethel."  When he arrived there he pitched his tent and built an altar.  You could always tell where Abraham had been because an altar was left there.  He did not leave any permanent homes, but everywhere he went he left an altar to the Lord.  Abraham, a man of substantial material wealth, sought first God's kingdom and His righteousness.  

If we came behind Abraham with no knowledge of who he was, it would not take long to figure it out.  We might not find any traces of his wealth, personal interests, or accomplishments, but what we would find is evidence that a man honored the Lord above all else. 

What will be left behind when we are gone?  What have you expended yourself building?  What do those expenditures say to your children?  Gentlemen, what we do carries immeasurable weight with our children as they establish the priorities that they will have.  Some men spend their lives building kingdoms that will burn.  I want an altar to be found everywhere that I have been.  If a day comes when no one remembers my name or my face, I want those who come after me to see the place where I stood and to be able to tell that this man honored the Lord.

That We Might Have Hope

To Him be the Glory