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As a Lion is Eager to Tear his Prey...

From time to time my wife and I will read a book together.  We'll take turns reading out loud while the other listens.  If you've never tried it, you should.  Right now we're reading Wayne Hosek's The Man-Eater of Mfuwe, his firsthand account of the hunt for a lion of monstrous proportions that had been terrorizing the locality of Mfuwe, Zambia.  The unassuming Hosek had never hunted lion before, or even been to Africa, for that matter, and was only there on that occasion on safari with a conservation project.  When the attacks broke out though, and professionals failed to put a stop to the reign of terror, Hosek thought of the people who lived there.  Day in and day out, children walked to school along dirt roads that cut through fields of elephant grass, perfect cover for a lion.  Apart from caution, the people had no defense against a tangible monster at their doorsteps that hunted them.  Men worked and watched hopefully but helplessly as their wives and children went about their day-to-day lives, hoping that when the inevitable strike would come that it would not touch their home.  After meditating on James 4:17, Hosek announced to his guides that he would "go after him."  

So many of us go about life, working, taking our kids to practice, getting them to bed, upgrading this, and downsizing that.  All the while a ruthless enemy watches, and he kills.  He has established such a hold on the minds of most that few are even aware of his presence, and even fewer watch for him.  He eyes our children.  He looks for a home where the watchman has fallen asleep, or has neglected his training.  Panic strikes as we see the signs manifest themselves that more and more of our children have fallen prey.  Why is this happening?  Where did we go wrong?  A desolate world jolts awake from reprobate dreams, and searches for a rescuer.  Is anyone left who is able to accurately handle the Word of truth, whose armor is maintained, and who is trained in its use?  


Gentlemen, we're him.  We have to be diligent (2 Timothy 2:15).  We have to hide God's Word in our hearts, that we might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11).  We have to keep watching and praying that we may not enter into temptation (Matthew 26:41).  We have to take up the full armor of God, so that we will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm (Ephesians 6:13).  And we have to teach them diligently to our children (Deuteronomy 6:7).