Fence Posts Ministries

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Still Standing

Mankind has worked hard to rid itself of any vestige of the acknowledgment of the Lord.  We have insisted on having our own way and being our own gods, and the results speak for themselves.  We have descended into darkness that I have a hard time believing that I have lived to see.  We deny biological sex.  We deny the most basic tenets of morality.  We deny objective reality.  We demand that our rights (bought with the blood of better men than us) be stripped from us and given to government bureaucrats, in order to save us from ourselves.  We denigrate family, hard work, and self-discipline.  And we do it all while congratulating ourselves on our enlightened progress.

People will almost invariably tire of the broken world that we have made.  When world-weary souls broken under the weight of their sin, as we once were, cry out for a reason to live, they need to see God, and they will need to see Him in us. 

It is vitally important that we allow the Lord to live through us.  If our primary concerns are for ourselves and getting what we feel we are entitled to, then we are of little to no use to the One we claim to serve, and we will be a snare to those He died to save.  We are the fence posts in the boundary between right and wrong.  We are the city on a hill.  We are the light of the world, and called so by Jesus, who used that title for Himself as well (Matthew 5:14, John 8:12).  We are called "to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom [we] appear as lights in the world..."  (Philippians 2:15).  The case could be made that Sodom and Gomorrah perished because Lot, a righteous man (2 Peter 2:7-8), failed to show the lost souls there anything worth entrusting themselves to.  Let that never be said of us.