Fence Posts Ministries

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Yesterday I came home from work gripped by an unusual amount of mental and physical tension.  It was not a hard day at work, but for whatever reason, I was just tied in knots to the point that it was visible to my wife.  But getting home was the best thing for me.  And after supper, my daughter wanted to go outside and play soccer.  So, as a family, we did.  One highlight came when my team was making a drive toward the goal only to find that it wasn't there.  We looked around and spotted the two year-old, who had dragged it off and was using it to boost himself up to climb a tree.  He figured we wouldn't need it.  After that, the kids wanted to go down to the creek near our house.  So, they got on their bikes/tricycles, and off we went on the two-mile round trip.  That night I was just amazed how good I felt.  All I needed was my family and some good exercise.  And my family is good exercise.

Gentlemen, for those of you who have children, when they want to play, just do it.  They want to play with you.  Your favorite people in the world just want you.  You have the ability to bury the needle on their awesomeness meters just by walking out and joining in whatever they're doing.  And you will reap the benefits - physically, emotionally, ecumenically...  Go play.