
We've all been there.  Each of us has had a time in life when we realized that someone we held in (maybe a little too) high regard was human.  Sometimes, it's not a big deal.  Sometimes it's just a character flaw that we hadn't seen before.  Those are times when we learn one of life's most important lessons, that we shouldn't idolize people, but instead we should hold to principle, and our principles should be based on truth.  Other times, though, the disillusionment can be more serious.  We find out that someone we admired wasn't who we thought they were, or that they have compromised on fundamental Biblical truth.  In those cases, we learn the same lesson, but we can be left feeling much more alone than we did before.

In both cases, we need to make certain that we don't allow the failure of someone else to shake our faith, or to lead us to believe that what they have done is permissible.  I recently heard a very famous theologian, whom I held in high regard, espouse the belief in an old earth (millions and billions of years), in direct contradiction to the Word of the God.  I was profoundly disappointed.  I couldn't believe it.  I even researched to make sure that I had heard and understood correctly, only to find that I had.  While the situation was a demoralizing one, it led me to a healthy reassessment of my own standing.  We can all use times like those as cautionary tales, to make certain that we are building our homes on the Rock.  

Our faith was never in any man.  It is good for us to have examples to follow, but after all, they are just that.  My standing in the hand of Jesus is by His power and by His perfection alone, not in mine or anyone else's.  Human nature, or the flesh, is utterly corrupt, and its fruit is poison.  We will only be able to produce the fruit of the Spirit by following the example of Jesus and those who follow Him, and by learning to walk in obedience to His Holy Spirit.


Words of Eternal Life