Tossed Here And There By Waves

I read recently that a child was born to a woman in Canada who is in a (polyamorous) relationship with two men, one being the father.  They requested that both men be named as fathers on the birth certificate, but were denied, in accordance with Canadian law.  The matter was taken to court and Justice Robert Fowler granted their request, opining that "Society is continuously changing and family structures are changing with it...This must be recognized as a reality and not as a detriment to the best interests of the child."  He appealed to the "now complex family relationships that are common and accepted in our society" to support his decision.  

Rulings like these require that we ask ourselves, who is the arbiter of what is and is not moral and virtuous.  If we carry Justice Fowler's reasoning to its logical conclusion then we arrive at the idea that whoever wields the most power at the moment and/or the greatest sway over public opinion decides what is and is not good and virtuous, the very essence of mob rule.  By such reasoning we could say that slavery in Confederate America was moral and virtuous.  We could insist that the treatment of Jews in Germany and its occupied territories during the 30's and 40's was moral and virtuous.  In both cases, and many others like them, the atrocities that were carried out were the by-products of the ideals of changing societies, in essence, truth was being altered to suit the culture. 

One very serious problem undercuts the "wisdom" of this age.  Thank the Lord!  Truth does not move!  Every Word of God is pure!  Every one of His laws serves a purpose, and the more I get to know His Word, the more I see that every one of His laws works for my good.  Almost every day I interact with professing Christians who have compromised the Word of the Lord in order to accommodate the culture around them, the very culture from which Jesus suffered and died to save souls.  Read Ephesians 4 and then talk to me about how you think the Almighty God is okay with you spitting in the face of His Son in order to convince the dying that they are not actually dying, all the while withholding the cure from them.  

A couple of weeks ago I ran across a copperhead in my yard.  I didn't embrace him and try to work him into my family's day-to-day life, teaching them to be accepting of him and "his truth."  I cut his head off, and laid him on my burn pile where he belongs.  I showed his mangled carcass to my kids, told them what he was capable of, and how to avoid his friends.  I did that because I'm their Daddy.


The Same Yesterday and Today, Yes and Forever

The Gospel of Christ