To the Stronghold

In 2 Samuel 5, we find the first activity that took place once David was recognized as king over all of Israel, and, gentlemen, it should come as no surprise to us. The Philistines moved to fight against him. History teaches us that evil always tests to see how far it will be allowed to go. David’s response is exactly what ours should be. He “heard of it and went down to the stronghold” (2 Samuel 5:17).

Our ruthless enemy, the devil, seeks anyone he may destroy, and as men it is our birthright to fight. And as David understood, the battle is not ours, but God’s (2 Chronicles 20:15). David went to the stronghold. It was not the responsibility of the women, or the children, or anyone else. He was the king. He was the man of the house. Just as he had done when he was younger, when Goliath and the Philistines had crossed over Ephes Dammim, David made his stand on the Word of the Lord.

It’s a disgrace and a shame when we fall under siege, and all men can do is wring their hands and say “Someone should do something!” And that’s the state much of our world is in today. But, gentlemen, not in our hearts, not in our minds, and not in our homes.

“Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.”-Psalm 144:1

Staying Sharp

Inquiring of the Lord