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The Most Lethal Deception

Our enemy, the devil, has always used deception against humanity, to draw us away from the truth, the gospel, the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. There was a time when his most powerful deceptions were to persuade men to serve false gods, to distort the Word of the Lord, or to rebel against God outright. Today though, we see another more powerful delusion at work. The devil has convinced much of mankind that he does not even exist.

So hot is his hatred for the Lord and the souls He gave Himself to save that he is willing to be relegated to the status of a myth, if it means that the lives that God loves will be destroyed. As humanity becomes evermore “enlightened” and “educated”, we become more and more certain that we are gods, and that evil does not exist. Instead, we believe that what backward and ignorant Christians call “evil” is only the outgrowth of flawed circumstance, and that if humanity will only engineer reality correctly, then all “evil” will fade away. This is the exact mindset that allowed the Nazis, ISIS, and other similar movements to metastasize and grow into the unthinkable horrors that they became.

In each man’s heart, evil makes its proposition. Every man must decide, and his life and the lives of those under his influence hang in the balance. How can he decide when he will not even acknowledge that the decision stands before him? How can a man keep an intruder from entering his home, robbing him, and destroying those most precious to him, when he won’t even acknowledge that anyone is there?