Fence Posts Ministries

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Mighty Men

When I read 2 Samuel 23:8-39, I am in awe of the works of David’s “mighty men.” They were valiant men who did what had to be done, even if it cost them their lives. Each of them knew that it was his place to stand against evil, to defend the land that the Lord had spoken for, and to keep the people of Israel free. When I read about those mighty men, I understand that what they were is what God intends for us to be. He intends for the men whose hope is in Him to be warriors, who make our stands on His Word. To make those stands, we have to know His Word, and know Him intimately. We are trained in the armor of God by constant use. None of us was born battle-tested. There is no shortcut to an intimate relationship with the Lord. Our faith isn’t strengthened by intellectual discussions, emotional experiences, or by proximity to good preaching. Yes, our faith comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10:17), but it is strengthened by trials (James 1:2-3).

Spiritual men of valor are becoming difficult to come by. It’s so easy for a man to be consumed by the cares of this life. It’s easy to fall into a sense of entitlement, losing sight of eternity, and just seek our own comforts and pleasures. But unceasing prayer, time spent being trained in the Word of God, and time spent being nurtured and soothed by that same Word can transform us, and safeguard us against losing perspective.

Be that mighty man, even if you don’t find many others, even if you don’t find any others. While other men may turn to entertainment, drugs (I’m not just talking about the illegal kind), miserable company, or any other diversions from their responsibilities, the mighty man of God will do what is necessary to make sure that he is able to resist in the evil day (Ephesians 6:13).