Fence Posts Ministries

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The Conclusion

The worries of the world call. Lives are spent. Those most precious to us go neglected. We are dust, and life passes like a breath. And all pursuits, dreams, and triumphs are lost - all but one.

The hope of those who trust in the Lord is an anchor that will hold forever. When all mammon is destroyed, the man who fears the Lord will stand, clothed in His righteousness. When all other names are forgotten, the name of the Lord will be praised in Heaven. The man who has called upon that name, the only name whereby we must be saved, will serve Him forever. The Word of the Lord will stand forever, and so will the one who stands on that Word. His promise, His oath, His covenant will stand forever. His purpose will stand for eternity. The work of salvation, the blood of the Lamb, is able to save forever those who trust in Him. For all time, final authority belongs to the Lord. When every mouth is silenced, the Word of the Lord will stand. When the world’s “wisdom” fails for the last time, The wisdom of God will prevail. When all other purposes and plans of men’s minds reach their ends, The Lord’s purpose will be accomplished. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or Dominions or rulers or authorities-all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He has taught us that He is “I Am.” And when all has come and gone, He Is.