Fence Posts Ministries

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Of Whom The World Is Not Worthy

On Monday February 19, 2018, African terrorist organization Boko Haram stormed a Christian girls’ school, kidnapping 110 students. Five of the girls were killed immediately, presumably as examples. The other girls were released because they took heed, renounced Christianity, and espoused Islam-all but one.

Today, now fifteen year-old Leah Sharibu remains a captive, a teenage girl with no other soul to lean on. She daily stands in the face of death, or worse. She stands on the Word of the Lord, on the promise of her Beloved, who upholds her daily, as His own.

The Almighty God, by whose Word all things have their being, whose authority is final, speaks about the saints like Leah. He says that they are those “of whom the world [is] not worthy” (Hebrews 11:38).