Fence Posts Ministries

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Acknowledge the Evidence

A clear statistical trend demonstrates that western churches that espouse liberal interpretations of the Bible are declining sharply, many closing their doors as their congregations age and dwindle to the point that they cannot afford to remain open. At the same time, more conservative, Bible-teaching churches are actually growing. This trend is a statistical reality on which there is little to no dispute. There is an argument however, as to why the trend exists. While I acknowledge that more educated minds than my own are working on the subject, I believe the answer is a fairly simple one.

When life within the church is exactly like life without the church, then why do I need the church? If x + 1 = 1, then x = 0. So, irony of ironies, in their attempts to appear friendlier to the seeker, churches that have abandoned God and His Word have actually alienated the seeker.

The gospel will never lose its power. It will never change. It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. What a miserable life it must be to profess to be a Christian, but distort the Christ. What an empty existence it must be to claim to love and care for people, while watching them destroy themselves while we withhold their salvation. What a dissonant position is held by those who call themselves the church while running from the Word of God.