As a bond-servant of Jesus, I write and speak to preach the commission that the Lord has given to us to be men who honor and live His Word. In Deuteronomy 19:14 God commanded “You shall not move your neighbor’s boundary mark, which the ancestors have set, in your inheritance which you shall inherit in the land that the Lord your God gives you to possess it.” Very similar commands concerning landmarks are found in five other places in the Bible.

These commands work on at least two levels. The literal meaning is that we are to observe and respect the boundaries that the Lord has set up and not violate them by stealing our neighbors’ land. Figuratively the landmark is God’s Word. In a culture dominated by deconstructionist philosophy, we are being taught that right and wrong are nothing more than archaic superstitions that a dwindling few cling to and seek to impose upon a society that has outgrown them. From that chaos and moral void, Fence Posts shouts out the commission that God has given to men to be that boundary between right and wrong.

The book Fence Posts will be a good read for anyone, but is a call especially directed to men to be the heroes of the faith. We must be the fence posts or landmarks that are not to be moved and, by the strength of the Lord, will not be moved. In a culture that constantly seeks to undermine the roles of fathers, husbands, working men, and boys who do what is right, God’s call remains for us to stand, to hold and even push back the forces of deceit and lawlessness that destroy so many families and lives. Throughout the book, scripture defines how God establishes his boundaries and how he uses us, in a manner of speaking, as the fence posts of those boundaries. Stories of a few faithful men also serve as stops along the way to demonstrate the Biblical principles put forth.

My hope is that we will not view the heroes of the faith who have gone before us as something more than us. Instead, we should view them as examples to be followed, as Paul taught us to do in 1 Corinthians 4:16. From the beginning, God’s people have run carrying the baton of the Gospel of Christ; men like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, etc. Each of them handed that baton off to the next generation, trusting God Himself to sustain the work. Now, the baton carried by those heroes is in our hands.