That You May Believe…


Why the bible?

The world is filled with belief systems, philosophies, and religions, each claiming to be the truth. Above all of the voices, the Bible stands alone. The Bible has faced more scrutiny (most of it antagonistic) than any other writing in the world’s history, and has withstood it all. Many great minds have set out to discredit the Bible once and for all, but all have failed, and many of them even came to believe along the way. The Bible is supported by the fossil record, archaeology, historians concurrent with the Bible, and the uncannily accurate fulfilment of very specific prophecy. The Bible was penned over the span of roughly 1,600 years, by the hands of around 40 men of varied backgrounds, yet its continuity is unparalleled. No other book ever written has been attacked like the Bible. No other group of people has been, and continues to be, persecuted like the Christians and the Jews, yet they persist. The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. Its Words are historically accurate in every instance, and its teachings are self-evident truth to our hearts. The Bible, in its original languages, is the Word of the Almighty God to us. As such, it is without error and is the final authority on all matters.

(I have set forth several claims here that warrant supporting evidence. I am prepared to provide that evidence, and have done so in many of the writings found within this site. Please contact me with any further questions.)

Why we need jesus

All of mankind has a problem. We are told of this problem in the Bible, but casual observation also testifies to our condition. The problem is sin (Romans 3:23), a natural inclination toward all kinds of evil. Because God is righteous and just, He will judge all sin, leaving us condemned to death, guilty as charged. Our pride makes it difficult for us to acknowledge our sin, but an honest look at the Law of God will show us for who we are. Our consciences will testify of our guilt, even if our emotions will not (Romans 2:14-15). We also have a natural tendency to justify ourselves by thinking something like: “My sin isn’t that bad,” or “God only punishes the really bad people,” and we find solace in comparing ourselves against the likes of Hitler, Stalin, etc. The problem with that line of reasoning is that our standards and God’s standards do not match up (Revelation 21:8). As in any case, the judge’s standard is the only one that matters.

But, because He loves us and is merciful, He provided for our salvation from the wrath of His judgment, in His substitutionary death, the payment for our sin (Romans 6:23). Because of His resurrection from the grave, death has been defeated and our bondage to its ravages has been broken (Romans 5:8-10). Jesus completed the work of salvation, which we were powerless to accomplish, in that we were sinful. Being without sin, He was the acceptable sacrifice to satisfy the just requirements of the Law. He offers forgiveness to all who will acknowledge their sin and repent (Mark 1:15), and will trust Him and call on Him for salvation (Romans 10:9-10, 13).

Please contact us with any questions. We would love to help you.