About Doug Chumley

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If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17


"God's calling of His men to righteousness is more than an admirable but unattainable goal."-Doug chumley

Doug Chumley is the author of Fence Posts, writer at Fence Posts blog, a preacher, and speaker.  Chumley has staked out his writing and teaching on the absolute truth and ultimate authority of the Bible, and has devoted his writing to calling men to and equipping them for their Biblical responsibilities to their families, churches, and other spheres of influence.  

The book Fence Posts highlights our culture's advancing agenda against the Biblical man, and the consequences of his diminished influence.  Fence Posts goes on to lay out several Biblical examples of men standing on the Word of God, and carrying out His purposes for them, in a way that men can apply in their own lives.  With Bible in hand, Chumley has preached and spoken in churches and for both faculty and student assemblies in schools.  

Having become a follower of Jesus at a young age, Chumley has devoted his life to the study of the Bible.  As an adult, Chumley went to work as a high school English teacher and soon had a family of his own.  Through teaching, he quickly became aware of the impact that fathers can have on their children's academic performance, behavior, and overall ability to achieve their objectives.  He also became more aware of western culture's vilification of masculinity and morality, and the increasing secularization of public life.  Chumley saw the connection between Biblically strong men and strong societies, and began to call men to stand on the Word of God again, and to embrace their responsibilities.