
I would be a scoundrel, a jerk and possibly even a cad if I failed to honor both my mother and my wife on Mother's Day.  Think about your mother.  If you have kids, think about your wife.  Is there any way that you or anybody else could fill those shoes?  Growing up, there was nobody who could comfort me, my sister and my brother like our Mama.  At Christmas and on our birthdays we were always (and still are) amazed at the gifts we got from her.  We could not believe the things that she remembered and thought of.  Mama has sacrificed herself for her family every single day of her life since we came along.  Because of her love for us, we are willing to do the same.  

My wife is the most unbelievable person I have ever known.  I don't think that she has slept since our first child was born.  She is the adult supervision in my life.  She loves, feeds, cleans up after, and teaches vital lessons to our kids every day.  And those are just a few of the things that she devotes herself to.  I have peace knowing that she prays for us.  She lays her life down all day every day to take care of our family.  She supports me in everything and never treats me like I'm being silly or stupid, a feat that I imagine is very difficult most days.  

Gentlemen, motherhood tends to be a thankless job and that is a shame.  Make sure that in your home your wife is treated like a queen every day.  However old you may be, let your mother know that you are grateful for all of the years, tears, prayers and love.

A Fence Post Overlooking the City

The First Fence Post