The Fence Will Stand

It seems like every day I read in the news about Christians around the world who are suffering unthinkable persecutions and even being killed because they will not renounce their faith in God and His Son, Jesus.  We see the persecution of Christians increasing here in America.  We are governed by a president and his appointees who are openly hostile to the Word and the people of God.  2 Thessalonians 2:7 tells us that "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way."  This verse talks about the fence that I talk about so much and this blog is named for.  Who is "He who now restrains"?  He is the Holy Spirit of God, who lives and works in us, the saints.  The Lord has established His people to be the boundary that separates good from evil and right from wrong.

Our very existence keeps lawlessness from overrunning the world and having its way.  For that reason we must necessarily be removed, by a ruthless enemy who will stop at nothing to discredit, terrify, silence and even kill the people of God.  As we read the Bible though, we understand that the Lord will be the one who removes us.  

Until that unimaginably awesome day, those who hate the truth and the knowledge of God will try to stop us.  They won't be able to, though.  Even if we are killed, as is happening to some now, the Lord will keep a remnant of His people here until he calls us home and pours out His wrath on the world.  Gentlemen, we are the fence posts in God's boundary.  We see the boundaries being moved all around us as the strength of man fails.  But, we don't stand by the strength of man.  Raise your kids to honor the Word of God.  Let them see you following the voice of the Lord, so that when He calls them they will recognize Him and know how to respond.  Stand with and pray for your brothers and sisters all over the world and right where you live.  Our enemy is not other people, but he is the one who has deceived those people and is taking them captive.  We are here to break his work in their lives by allowing God's Holy Spirit to live and work through us.  And as we do so, some of them may be saved.  

Getting it Done

The Only One