One of the Greatest Men I Should Have Known

I once chased Lyle Lovett through a crowded airport. Alas, he's quicker than he looks, much quicker. But, that's not what our story is about today. I had a neighbor for about one month who I never got around to going over and meeting. The first days in a new house, especially one that needs work, are very busy and to my shame I did not go next door and meet the neighbors right away. Not long after we moved in, my neighbor passed away at a good old age. What I know about him and want to share with you, I learned from his widow. Her husband was one of the heroes who invaded Europe on June 6th 1944, meeting an evil enemy, who had already taken most of the continent, on Omaha Beach. At the command, they moved without hesitation. The water was deep and the man in front of him struggled to keep his head above the surface. Being a tall man, my neighbor held him up and they both advanced onto the beach. He lived to see the victory and pushed on into the interior with the other survivors. My neighbor served under General Patton, in fact he said that he was kind of mean. In addition to fighting, he served as an engineer during the European campaign.

The war won, he returned home to quietly go to work and become a master carpenter. My neighbor never claimed any of the financial benefits due to him for his military service. Instead he worked hard with his hands and produced beautiful work that survives him. And, he set an example for us. Gentlemen, this is a real man.

The Truth

Pleasant Places