Real Men

Out of the entire world, Noah found grace in eyes of God, built an ark and he and his seven family members became the only people who will ever be able to say that they lived to see both sides of the cataclysmic flood.Moses left the royal family of Egypt to align himself with God and God's people. Joshua and Caleb faced the entire nation of Israel and declared that the Word of the Lord was all that they needed to go in and take Canaan. Caleb, at age 85, stood on the promise of God and invaded and took the hill country where the giants lived. Nehemiah told the merchants who were conducting business on the Sabbath that if he caught them doing it again he would "send a hand against" them. It was Job's regular habit to sacrifice and intercede on behalf of his children that they might be in good standing with God. Uriah the Hittite wouldn't go sleep in his bed with his wife (who was apparently a fox) while his brothers were on the battlefield. Hezekiah would not surrender to the undefeated Assyrian invaders who came and blasphemed the Lord and threatened them. Jeremiah went to prison for telling the truth. Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego would rather have died than to violate the command of the Lord. Joseph stood by Mary and married her and kept her a virgin until after the birth of Jesus. John the Baptist lived in the wilderness and devoted his life to making Jesus known. The apostles suffered and some were killed because they would not stop preaching. George Washington led his troops and his country in prayer at every possible opportunity, and even required church attendance for his troops. He also required that they be on time. Capt. Leander McNelly was a Texas Ranger who feared God and not much else. He routinely walked into certain death-type situations because it was the right thing to do, and prevailed. In the Meuse-Argonne offensive in World War I, Then Cpl. Alvin York single-handedly took a hill manned by German troops who were relentlessly mowing down the Americans with machine gun fire. He did so by killing 28 of the enemy and capturing the remaining 132 by himself and bringing them in along with seven other men under his command. York believed that it was the Lord's intention for him to fight, and that He would protect him in battle. Today, we see Biblical prophecy being fulfilled in such a way that we may very well be at the threshold of the Lord's calling His people out of the earth. Gentlemen, we may very well be the last real men. Hold the line, in the King's name!

Strong Enough to Love

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