
Who has lived a life that you admire?  Who has honored the Lord and lived a life of faithfulness to Him?  The Bible teaches that we should think about the results of their lives and follow the examples of their faith. For a long time now though, our culture has belittled and dismissed people like these so that few have heeded the charge to observe and follow their examples.  Gentlemen, we must never be found with that mindset.  We must also make sure that it is not welcome in our homes.  Our kids need to understand that we pay attention to the consequences of our own actions as well as those of the people around us and throughout history.  The tragic absence of this understanding is painfully obvious in our culture.

We need to see with sober minds that throughout history God's Word has once again proven true.  He sees and blesses the faithfulness of those whose hearts are set on Him.  "Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith."-Hebrews 13:7

The Passover

The Strong and the Fallen