Teenage Years

For those of you who are in your teenage years, I want to be the voice from the future.  I want to be in the DeLorean that appears from nowhere in a flash of light and skids to a stop in front of you.  I want to jump out and take you by the shoulders and say, "You gotta listen to me!  I'm you from the future!" with pretty much any Huey Lewis and the News song playing faintly in the background.  (The volume of the HL & the N song can come back up as you stand there with your jaw on the ground watching me disappear down the road leaving nothing but flaming tracks.) I realize that you live in a world where the depth of your character is judged by how many Bob Marley t-shirts you own.  I understand that you are forcibly surrounded by many people almost every day, some of whom are doing everything that they possibly can to destroy themselves.  Let me urge you to remember the truth.  Because of the Lord and His provision for me, I was spared many of the pitfalls of being a teenager.  I still did some idiotic things, but He kept me from many of the regrets that my generation is burdened with now.  He wants to do the same for you.

Trust the Lord.  Don't let people add to the Word of God in your heart.  Remember what He has said, and in the guidance of His Holy Spirit, make judgments about whatever anyone else may try to teach you.  Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.  Cast all your anxiety upon Him, because he cares for you.  Honor your parents; you won't be sorry.  Don't worry about trends; be timeless as the Lord is timeless.  Let your words be God's Words.  Be strong, and show yourself to be a real man.  Treat ladies like ladies because they're ladies, not for selfish reasons.  Learn the Word of God now.  Don't think that you'll do things when you grow up that you aren't willing to do now.  (Oh, and I slipped an envelope into your jacket pocket; do not open until 1985.)

Sowing in Tears

My Wife