
Sometimes we need somebody to be there for us...especially when we've done something ignrnt.  If you're not from East Texas, ignrnt means stupid.  Gentlemen, part of being a man is that sometimes we do idiotic things:  DQ's Triple Belt Buster, the mullet, bacon in places where it ought not be, stunts preceded by the call to "check this out", you know, the kinds of things where we end up with parts of our bodies glued together, singed, etc.  Don't get me wrong, out of some of these moments come flashes of brilliance that more sophisticated men will never know.  However, my original premise remains.  Sometimes we get in a bind and need another man to come alongside us and help us out.  Sure, he'll have a good laugh at your expense, but make no mistake, he'll help you out and if he's a man, he'll give you opportunity to return the favor. Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."  Those are comforting words spoken by the Lord who understands just how true that is.  He knows how we are.  He knew the absurdity of the male mind and provided help.  He first provided woman as a check against things like spam and changing our pants whilst driving.  He then provided other men who would understand, empathize and sympathize when the first check wasn't enough.

Next time you're thinking about modifying your riding mower or leaning your ladder against the limb you're sawing off, remember that "two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor" (Ecclesiastes 4:9).

The Beginning and the End

Do it Anyway