Confounding the "Wise"

One of my favorite things about the Lord and His Word is that He reveals Himself to those who seek Him...period.  There are no qualifications to being loved by God.  In Acts 4, Peter and John had been arrested and brought before the Sadducees, the high priest and some others of priestly descent.  These learned men literally put Peter and John in the middle and circled around them and questioned them about what they had been doing and teaching.  The apostles gave answer, and verse 13 says that "as they observed the confidence of Peter and John, and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were marveling, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus."  Reading that excites me every time.  Now, don't get me wrong.  God is not pushing away those who have devoted their lives to study.  He also revealed Himself and taught those of the Pharisees who sought Him.  The reason I love Acts 4 so much is that there is no substitute for having been with Jesus.  And, the learned "marveled" when they understood that. As a runner in high school I had the privilege to line up with some of the best runners around.  I remember one of my teammates, who was an all-state runner every year, going through a kind of a "funk" where she was worried about a million little things and how they would affect her running.  There was one occasion when we were talking with one of the other best runners in the state and she asked him what kinds of things he ate.  He looked perplexed by her question, and then answered:  "whatever the cafeteria is serving."  She spent weeks trying to understand that.  You see, he understood what you and I should understand.  Truth is timeless.    Wisdom is not reserved for the ivy league educated.  A man's understanding of his business is not contingent upon whether or not his IQ, SAT scores or degrees on his wall are good enough.  James chapter one tells us that if we want wisdom, we need only ask for it and trust that the Lord will answer.  He will reveal Himself to the most educated, the barely educated and anyone in between who will humble himself to seek the Lord.

Gentlemen, when we go to town to buy something, when we go hunting or fishing, when we work on our vehicles, when we carry out our God-ordained honor and fire up the grill, when we take up the grilling implement best suited to the situation (and by situation I mean meat), when we do the things that we do for work, when we do the things that we do for fun we need to remember to take our kids with us.  Let them in.  Because my Daddy talked about the Bible with us, I am very comfortable with it now.  Because Mama read to us and took us to the library, I am comfortable now with the knowledge that there is nothing that you or I cannot learn about.  Because my parents love and respect each other, I don't struggle with a sense that I am navigating marriage blindly, just hoping that I do the right things.  Know the Bible for yourself.  Know the Lord for yourself.  Let your kids know what you know for themselves.

Because of the Blood of the Lamb and Because of the Word of Our Testimony

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