
I have been disappointed in myself lately, as I imagine happens to all daddies from time to time.  The precedents that we set determine so many things for our families.  The Lord teaches this principle throughout the Bible in that men are held responsible for their homes and families.  We set the precedents for our families' expectations concerning church attendance, the way our boys view girls, the way our girls view boys,  the way our kids view themselves and each other, the way our wives view themselves, the way they all view God.  Our boys will work like we do.  Our kids will pray like we do.  They'll talk, drive, relax and come together as a family the way that we do those things. Lately, I have caught myself falling into a trap that I feared would ensnare me one day, one that I've even written about here before.  I don't always understand what my daughter thinks and what she cares about.  Now, when I don't understand, it's easier to have shallower interactions and to say things like:  "okay, we'll do that later", or "not right now".

Gentlemen, I would loathe to be a father who in any way neglects one of his children.  We are blessed to be entrusted with our sons and daughters.  Let them look to us to show them the love of God.  Let them find the willingness to understand in the hearts of their Daddies.  Let them never be disappointed when they run to see us when we come home from work.  My daughter should never have to wonder about what she is to her Daddy.

I Know Your Deeds

For Joseph