How Precious are Thy Thoughts to Me

Tonight, after reading my oldest child a bedtime story, I stayed with her and we talked for a few minutes.  She asked what our new baby's name would be.  I said that once we know if it's a boy or a girl, we could talk and pray about it.  She asked:  "What if God doesn't know the baby's name?"  I answered that He already knows this baby's name.  As the words left my mouth, their truth comforted me and at the same time quickened me with the joy of knowing that the one God not only knows me, but my kids as well.  My daughter, then, rolled over and I could barely hear her praying something about the baby's name and thanking the Lord for a few other things.  It was another of those moments when you really can't ask for much more. Psalm 139 is special to me, because my wife set out to memorize it a few years ago.  She would say it out loud while getting breakfast ready in the morning.  Soon, our oldest (who was two at the time) began to say it with her.  This Psalm acknowledges the absolutely complete knowledge and power of the Almighty God.  This Psalm also acknowledges that this God chooses to know us and search out our innermost beings.

Daddies, thank God that He knows your children intimately.  Thank God that He has enclosed us "behind and before" and laid His hand upon us.  Thank God that when we awake (no matter when) we are still with Him.  "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it."-Psalm 139:6

The Free, the Brave, and the Jealous

Bachelor Party Weekend