Every Day

On May 30th of 1982, Earl Weaver started young Cal Ripken Jr. at third base for the Baltimore Orioles, thinking something like:  "Let's see what he can do."  The next time Ripken missed a game was September 19th of 1998.  From the time I was one year old until my senior year of high school, Ripken was on the field every day.  Those of you who know your baseball know that Ripken was one of the best all-around shortstops of all time.  But, that streak of consecutive games played is what sets him apart, and is one of those things that I consider it a privilege to have seen in my lifetime. Gentlemen, there are people in our lives who work the same way, who will never have their achievements enshrined in any hall of fame.  But, that's okay.  That was never why they did it, anyway.  On my drive into work, I sometimes notice a gray-haired man in nondescript blue jeans and a tucked-in understated button-down,  unlocking an automotive garage with a cardboard drink holder of coffees in his other hand, presumably not all for himself.  This winter, I also saw a construction crew showing up to the site, well before sun up, cranking up tractors and heavy machines in the disheartening damp and cold of Southeast Texas winters.  I grew up seeing my own parents going into work every day without fail.  My mother pried my carcass out of bed every morning, never once late that I can remember.  My wife laughs when she hears other mothers, with a fraction of the number of kids that we have, bemoaning the lackluster quality of their "me-time".

Some men work long and hard in the pursuit of vanity, usually sacrificing their families along the way.  Colossians 3:23 teaches us to do whatever we do "heartily, as to the Lord and not to men".  In Pslam 127:2, God says that "He gives His beloved sleep."  And, Psalm 23:2 says "He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."  There is no day off for the Lord's saints, but He provides rest for those who trust Him.  Who sustains you?  Who provides your rest?

Real Life

Spring Break