Like Daddy

A few days ago, I got the lawn mower out and I turned away to do something (I don't remember what).  In the few seconds that my back was turned, my shadow (my one year-old son) had climbed up onto the mower.  I stood there and watched as he settled into position, put his hand on the choke and tried to wiggle it, then moved his hand to the key and tried to wiggle it.  I stood there amazed that my one year-old kind of knows how to crank my lawn mower. It's amazing what our kids know because they have observed us.  It's also amazing what we know because we have observed our parents.  My life should be teaching my kids how to live with their eyes fixed on the Lord.  My life should be teaching them how to live according to God's Word.  They should know how to love people and how to recognize the truth because they shouldn't know any other way to be.

Prayer and the Modern American Christian

Precious Faithfulness