A Voice Calling

I started back to work today, and was once again shocked by the sudden immersion in the toxic lies of secular humanism.  Many of you work in environments that are hostile to truth and the acknowledgement of God.  Never ever let those environments become excuses for surrender.  The Lord Himself has established us in those very places to fight evil, in whatever form it may take. In circumstances like these, God calls us to be His men, girded in His armor, bearing His gospel which is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.  Our enemy, the devil, has worked hard to silence us for thousands of years, doing what he can to grieve the one God by hurting those He loves.  And, for thousands of years our enemy has failed to silence the saints...miserably.  I'm honored to stand and fight with those of you who have trusted the Lord.  In His name, fight for those who are drowning in this world of counterfeits and "easier ways."  Always be ready to speak His Words that are hidden in your heart.  This is my story.  This is my song.

Not Enough
