
As a high school teacher, I am daily reminded just how deeply indoctrinated the majority of our children are with lies.  They have been taught a set of beliefs that are blatantly false when put up to even a modest level of scrutiny.  But, in the infamous words of Adolf Hitler, "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."  Hitler noticed and exploited a sociological tendency that applies not only in the political context in which he observed it, but in every aspect of our lives. We live in a world that has willingly blinded itself to the truth.  We have chosen to cling to convenient lies rather than acknowledge the truth.  Then, we attempted to insulate ourselves from the truth by surrounding ourselves with like minds, while silencing those who hold to the truth, through a variety of methods.  Among them are ridicule, baseless slander, sheer volume, and even (when they can get away with it) violence.

They forgot about one thing, though.  The God who so loved them that He gave His only begotten Son is not willing that any should perish, but for all to come to repentance.  The love of God for people still reaches out to a hostile world during this time of grace and mercy.  No, this time won't last forever.  And, that is exactly why He urges us to live as in the day (1 Thessalonians 5).  The night is coming when the Lord will shut the door of the ark, so to speak.  In these days the truth will not be silenced, not because of us, but by the Word of God.  God Himself will sustain His Word through His people who are willing to live and speak it to a desperate world, for the salvation of all who believe.

This Man is an Island

Restraining Evil