Love: Practical Application

I don't believe that my wife has had a full night's sleep in five years.  Every night at least one of our children wakes up, due to any of a wide range of crises that have arisen while we slept.  Many nights are like the last few we've had, where sickness is working its way through our family, and multiple children wake up several times during the night.  On nights like these, we just do the best we can.  I personally end up stumbling around the house laying down with this one, waking up, not knowing where I am, and going and getting this other one back to sleep, all the while hearing another one crying until my wife gets him and comforts him like she does.  I do my best, but she ends up being the one who carries the team on her back night after night. Gentlemen, that is what love looks like.  Aching for sleep, having nursed sick babies all day, walking with one in her arms while the clock on the nightstand shows an hour known only to parents and the Lord, while the child lets go and slips back into sleep, knowing that his mother has him.

Even after nights like those and days that aren't much easier, she still smiles when I come home, with that smile that only I know.  She's still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.  She's still the best time I've ever had.  She's still the picture of grace and strength that I still only hope to attain to.

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord."-Proverbs 18:22

Ranger Lore

Whose Heart is Completely His