
Throughout history, our enemy the devil has influenced nations to reject the truth.  We have been enticed away by our own lusts, and have embraced the most ridiculous and nonsensical (always wanted to use that word...feels silly) philosophies that our rebellious minds could conceive.  Yet, all throughout history one thing has stood in the way of these influences, keeping them from completely destroying the world.  The man of God has always stood in stark contrast to the chaos around him, immovable and undeniable.

More than 4,000 years ago when "every intent of the thoughts of [man's] heart was only evil continually", "Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord" (Genesis 6:5, 8).

When the Hebrew nation stood outside of Canaan, and as a whole, they decided to rebel against the Lord and to doubt His ability to keep His Word to them, two men stood among them and spoke the Word of God, not allowing them to get away with their denial of the truth.

When Ahab and Jezebel led the kingdom of Israel into utter depravity, Elijah the prophet made their lives absolutely miserable, because he would not allow the Word of the Lord to be stricken from Israel.

When Israel had fallen to the Babylonian conquerors, who then turned and brought their fury to the doorstep of Judah, Jeremiah's voice alone spoke God's Word, not allowing the government-sanctioned narrative to go unchecked.

When the great Nebuchadnezzar made an image and coerced the entire empire to bow to it upon command, three men from among the captives ruined his worship service, because their upright figures alone broke the otherwise perfect continuity of a sea of upturned backs.

When the self-destructive lifestyles of the Roman cities of antiquity prevailed throughout the Mediterranean world, one church whose saints had been bought by the blood of their Savior, arose among them, preaching the gospel, "for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

Today our world does little to hide its desire to silence the church.  It is a widely held belief, and one that no longer goes spoken only in secret, that the world would be a better place if not for the Christians.  If only the Christian problem could be dealt with, their agenda would proceed according to plan.  But, true to form, the Lord has no intention of letting the perversion of the truth go unchecked.  He does not wish "for any to perish but for all to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

Gentlemen, these days are ours.  The truth, the Word of God Himself, that He has preserved for all time, is now in our hands.  And, just as He has always done for His people, He is able to cause us to stand in undeniable contrast against the lie.

