For Unto Us a Child Is Born

Every year my wife and I put together the children's Christmas play at our church.  Each year, my job is to sit on the floor and hold the cue cards.  It's a glamorous task that not only utilizes my unique set of qualifications, but also showcases my ability to simultaneously lay one card down whilst revealing the one behind it. There is one moment in the play that makes my heart swell and my eyes well up every year.  For the final song, all of the various characters are gathered around Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, when Mary stands and begins Handel's "For Unto Us a Child Is Born", and sings the first verse by herself.  For the second verse, the entire cast joins in and sings the names  of Jesus:  Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace", set to a melody from over 270 years ago, that's still one of the most beautiful and simple things I've ever heard, especially when your kids and all of their friends come in together in full song.  You just should have been there.

Remember to thank the Lord for your kids.  Thank Him for His Son, whom He sent to die to save their lives.  Thank Him for who He His.

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