Why I Don't Plan on Being Here

In response to questions from a friend of mine who is concerned about living through God's pouring out of His wrath on the world, I want to take time here to explain why I believe, as most Christians do, that the church will be called away and spared.

In Genesis 6:8 and 7:1 God spared Noah his wrath because “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

Genesis 18:25 records that Abraham correctly said to God:  “Far be it from You…to slay the righteous with the wicked.”

In Exodus 8:23, 9:4, and 11:7 God said that He would “make a difference” between His people and the Egyptians when he judged them by the plagues.

Malachi 3:18 reiterates the idea that God will “discern between the righteous and the wicked.”

In 2 Thessalonians 2:7 we are told that “the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.”  Who is it that restrains lawlessness in the world today?  It is the Holy Spirit through the church.  We are the reason that the world doesn’t completely plunge into rebellion against God, even though they try (Psalm 2:3).  And for that reason, they won’t tolerate us forever.  2 Thessalonians 2:7 does not stipulate who will take us out of the way, leaving room for some doubt.

But Revelation 18:4 removes that doubt when a voice from heaven, in keeping with God’s justice since the beginning, calls His people out “so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues.”

There are places in the Bible that when read without the context of these passages can sound like we will be left to go through the tribulation, but that would be inconsistent with the character and Word of God.  The saints who will be there in the tribulation are those who will be given a chance to trust God, because they will be born after the church is taken out.  Except for the 144,000 they will be persecuted and martyred.

The Lord has no intention of punishing His faithful ones along with those who hate His Son.  You're welcome to comment with your thoughts and questions, and I will try to address them.  Keep reading; keep seeking the truth.

Great Moments in Ignrnce
